A New Vision
Wait, it’s been 3 years already?
I’ve learned a lot over the last 3 years in the freelancer world. One of the best lessons I’ve learned from my clients is that better design and stronger partnerships come from proactive solutions to current problems.
Enter my 2017 resolution: Be More Proactive / Less Reactive.
This resolution actually came to me as I walked through Walt Disney World in December...
I thought, “Walt Disney didn’t create this place by accident. He wasn’t simply accomplishing tasks as they came to him. He allowed himself to dream, to plan, and to build a business that would impact the world and outlast his lifetime.”
For the last 3 years, I’ve constantly wrestled with the actual sustainability and purpose of my work... was I able to keep up the pace at which I worked, continue to perfect every single project, and maintain a healthy family and self?
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The answer was an alarming: no.
I consistently felt behind, the systems behind my own businesses weren’t what I was providing for my clients, and I wasn’t able to look back on the previous year and really see any advance in my own work like I saw in the businesses I served. I was merely surviving and not dreaming. With the pace I was running, I had no time to build a team, no time to plan how I could reach more businesses, and no vision outside of just “getting stuff done.”
As a freelancer though, if you don’t have a direction, then you honestly just don’t have a business. And it’s up to you (me) to find that direction or else it was time to find a job.
If I had to shift my business, how would I redirect?
While I wrestled with that question, I tried to focus on what I did know.
What I know: I have a growing passion for streamlined processes, minimal, effective graphic design, and understood that I serve the best clients who deserve the best from me. Getting those words on paper felt right. It felt real to who I am, what I offer, and how I approach all of my work. And if you’ve ever been without a direction, sometimes just naming what you like and believe in helps get the conversation started.
Year 4 is going to be a pivotal year for Fleecher Designs. I hope you will join me as I launch this new direction!